Over a month ago, I invited several people to read my blog. Since then I haven't posted anything. No real reason. Just very busy with teaching. I keep thinking there is a way to streamline my job, where I don't bring so much home, but there are always tests, projects, or writing practices to sort through. I haven't determined a way to assess students without assessments!
Another reason I haven't posted could be that I have felt we have been in a routine. No excitement here. Then I realized we did have a "house-changing"event. For about 6 months I have been wanting to put hard woood floors in the family room and hallway, but didn't mention it to Dad for a couple of reasons. I wasn't sure how the room would look and most of all, I didn't know if he would want wood floors. So I just pondered it for awhile. Then I casually mentionned to him that I think wood floors might be nice, because the carpet was getting worn, and I had to shampoo it more often. Well, of all things coincidental, he had been pondering the same issue for the past few months, most specifically, pondering on Wednesdays when he vaccums. The following Tuesday was a holiday, (our engagement anniversary) so we went to the local flooring store just to see what was available. By the next week, we were invaded by some Russians who did an excellent job of laying our new floor. It is great! Here are the "before" and "after" pictures.
Wow! It looks great!