Tuesday, September 7, 2010

La Seine, Les Ponts, et Les Bateaux Mouches

There are many ways to see Paris: by foot, by bus or by boat. The river Seine meanders through the center of Paris, and tour boats, called "Bateaux Mouches", glide up and down the river giving a different view of Paris. The words "Bateaux Mouches" means "Fly Boats", as in those annoying flies that hover at picnics. I often wondered why the boats were given that name. A French friend gave me her explanation that the boats are like the eyes of a fly which sees many views at once, much like the people on the boats see many views. That metaphor works for me.

Crossing the Seine are many bridges (35 or 37 depending on your source). These bridges range from centuries old to fairly modern (as within the last hundred years or so). I read a quote while I was teaching, something to the effect that Paris dangles her bridges much like a woman showing off her bracelets. The bridges are amazing in construction and variety, and Paris has every right to show them off.
Please join us for our ride up and down the Seine river via Rollie's photos.

"There are other cities farther north than Paris, but somehow its particular quality of light and atmosphere, and its palette of silver, gray and slate-blue, is only found here." Laurel Delp

"The glorious river Seine" Anatole France

"The Seine at Paris is more than beautiful. Poets and neoimpressionists shift their attention to it as the mood strikes." Mort Roseblum

"I do not know how many bridges there are on the Seine, but I do know that no public buildings are as deeply imprinted in the affection of the Parisians." Pierre Schneider

"The Seine flows between banks of books." Guillaume Appollinaire

"I could spend my whole life watching the Seine flow by. It is a poem of Paris." (author unknown, but my sentiments exactly)

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